1) What's in
a name - the journey starts
Dear namesakes....... what's in a name?
Whether your name is Beaugeois-Beaujois-Beaugois-Boosuwa-Bosua-Bozuwa-Bozua we can conclude that we are all family and descended
from the same ancestors.
Often, the first and last name was phonetically
registered. So Beaugeois changed in over 300 years in
With this blog I will attempt to make a journey
through time. Starting with the first known ancestor Beaugeois in 1684 to the present.
In short a journey through time......... From the town Hesdin France to the Netherlands
and further spread
across the world.

Hallo Ruud,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenJacques Bernardine Beaugois is my great uncle's third great grandfather.
Alex → Dorothea Karolina van 't Hoff - van Strij
your mother → Willem William van Strij
her father → Maria van Strij
his sister → Gerard Gijsbert Bozuwa
her husband → Gijsbert Bozuwa
his father → Gerrit Bozuwa
his father → Gijsbert Bosuwa (Bosiwa)
his father → Pierre Henry Beaugois
his father → Jacques Bernardine Beaugois
his father
Alex van 't Hoff
Hallo Ruud,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIk heb op Geni.com de stamboom uitgewerkt en op Picasa webalbums wat foto's van mijn oud-tante Maria Bozuwa van Strij https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/-ZWDfbFT4sTTp79RHZ6PKvgu_iAD17sqfqh7mYA_BOI?feat=directlink
Alex, interessant..voor meer info of uitgebreide fam tree sent me an email: ruud.bozua@facebook.com
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI'm a member of 10 generations Beaugeois, Bozuwa,Bosua, Bozua family 1682 - 1960.
>Generation 10 : Rudi Bozua (born 1960);
>Generation 9 : Hendricus Johannes Bozua (born 1927)<>Hendrika Veltman (born 1926);
>Generation 8 : Jacobus Gerardus Bozua (born 1898) <> Elisabeth Wilhelmina Teresia Parmentier (born 1902);
>Generation 7 : Jacob Bernardus Bosua Bozuwa Bozua (born 1873) <> Johanna Gesina Steinmann (born 1876);
>Generation 6 : Gijsbert Bosua (born 1851) <> Maria Miendert (Miner) (born 1851)
>Generation 5 : Jacob Bernardus Bosua (born 1821) <> Christina Jozina Solcer (born 1823);
>Generation 4 : Gijsbert Bosua Bozuwa Bozua (born 1789) <> Francijntje Van der Vlies (born 1788);
>Generation 3 : Jacques Bernadin Bozuwa (born 1746) <> Aartje van den Heuvel (born 1746);
>Generation 2 : Jacques Bernardin Beaugeois ( born 1712) <> Catharine Petronille van Torre(n) (born 1708);
>Generation 1 : Jacques Beaugeois (born 1682) <> Marie Francoise Rambure (born 1665).